Preschool is such an exciting time for learning and growth. During these important years a love of learning is developed. Here at North Run Baptist Prekindergarten we know that preschoolers learn primarily through play. Each step of the way, we focus on meeting individual needs and helping your child gain the confidence necessary for the next stage of learning. We provide many opportunities for free and teacher led exploration. We use a multi-sensory approach to teach letter and number recognition in small and large group settings. Our class sizes are small enough that your child will receive individual learning experiences throughout the day. Our units of learning are taught through themes. We incorporate Bible, language and literacy, math, science, social studies, music, free play indoors and outdoors, and creative arts into our daily routines. Our goal is to help your child become a life-long learner.
Creative Arts
Opportunities to be creative, make decisions, follow directions, gain self-confidence
Free play indoors
Engage in conversation with peers, problem solve and decision making skills, conflict resolution, opportunity to pretend and take turns
Clean Up Time
Responsibility, manners, cooperation, following rules
Snack Time
Thanking God, manners, patience
Books and Puzzles
Making choices, responsibility, cooperation, identifying text runs from left to right, letters and words carry messages, pictures give clues to the meaning of the text
Circle Time
Singing, movement, educational games, stories, Bible lessons, sitting still, taking turns, listening, responsibility through completion of classroom jobs
Music Time
Rhythm, instruments, listening, singing skills, lessons about God, gross motor skills
Outdoor Free Play
Large motor skills, making choices, positive peer interactions, observing nature and God’s world, climbing, running, swinging, riding bikes, sand play
Table Time Activities
Fine motor skills, following directions, letters, shapes, numbers, colors
Science Lessons
Making predictions, observations, exploring, discovery, recording results, understanding God’s world
Math Lessons
Number sense, measurement, spatial relationships, geometry, math language, sequencing, patterns
Language Arts Lessons
Alphabet knowledge, stages of writing, visual discrimination, fine motor skills, vocabulary, rhyming words, comprehension
Social Studies Lessons
Exploring the community and its members, understanding their place in God’s world, field trips, visits from resource people
Bible Lessons
God made you and loves you, the life of Jesus Christ, verses, songs, miracles, Bible truths, memorization, application of Bible messages, honesty, thankfulness